Friday, January 2, 2009

Trip to Mexico

We had a fun time at Los Algadonas Mexico this morning. Grandpa and Grandma Johnson were our tour guides, well sort of...grandma had a appointment with a local dentist. I have never seen so many dentist, doctor's offices and pharmacies all in one place! As you can see, prescription medication here is discounted about 60%, so many folks take advantage of the discounts. I'm not too sure if I'd visit the "tooth implant" dentist though. The one sign I saw advertising for a local dentist had what appeared to be a rather large drywall screw with the crown of a tooth on the top. If that was suppose to make me run into the dentist's office, it didn't work. I quickly found a Mexican Starbucks and bought a triple latte....I think I'd rather just drool and eat oatmeal than have someone use a 19v drill with a drywall screw on my jaw!
Our girls were able to buy a couple of gifts that didn't set them back too much and Kelly was able to buy a very nice table cloth for our dining room table. The girls also got to show their passports at the border crossing which was another highlight of the day.

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