Saturday, April 4, 2009

Busch Gardens, Williamsburg

Since my report date to the Navy was moved up a week, our original plans to head to Disney World were "delayed". But, not to fear, the Fenn's arrived at Busch Gardens on the opening day of their season. It was great! Only old people, young families and a few who skipped school to take in the fun. There was no waiting in lines for any ride and the park was basically empty. Nikki and I had fun on all the roller coasters and one in particular, The Grifon was the best ride I have ever been on. It's a roller coaster that seats 12 in 3 rows and carries you to a "high spot". The ride then hesitates as you dangle over the end of the world, just long enough to start the Lords Prayer. You have time to say, "Our Father" and that's it. Gravity takes over and you just about suck your small intestine out your nose. Wow, that is fun! The first time we rode it we were in the 2nd row, just in case we crashed we would have row one to soften our stop (Newton's 6th law of motion). As soon as we got off we were back on again, this time in the first row. Hey, if I was going to die or have a heart attack, this is the ride I want to be on! Kelly and Lindsay both said they were not interested in the ride at all and watched from the safety of a park bench.

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