Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Frosty Fayetteville

Do you know why we don't have any photos of the girls outside today?
Well, let's try 37 degrees with some wind! We left Savannah this morning at 35 degrees and ALL day while heading north on I95 the top temperature was 37 degrees. Hey, if I wanted it this cold in March, I'd take the family back to Washington State! Oh well...we travelled for around 4 1/2 hours and ended up at a family run RV park about 1 mile from I95. When we pulled into the park, the girls had fun playing with two other "boys" who turned out to be homeschooled as well. They were overjoyed to see some other kids in the park. It is suppose to get to a low of 20 tonight and I wish I had some peach schnapps for the hot chocolate. We leave tomorrow and will land at Fort Monroe, just a hop, skip and a jump to Norfolk.

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